Internship and Final Year Project (FYP) offers
📢 Consulter le calendrier des stages 2024 - 2025
📢 Consulter le calendrier des périodes de stages AI / IA
Green box To post a job offer on the ESTP Career Center, click here
▶If you are interested in becoming a partner, participating in our Career Forums, or attending our job events on our various campuses, please contact Julie COIGNARD: jcoignard@estp.fr
Internship offers are available on your Career Center.
Green box International Internships: As part of your studies, you can complete all your internships abroad, in the country of your choice. Some of ESTP’s partner universities offer internship topics within local research labs or in collaboration with local companies. Scholarships are available to help fund international internships and final-year projects: Île de France regional scholarships, Erasmus+, partner company grants, as well as scholarships from the school and its Foundation.
🧐 For more information, please contact:
Sandrine Mathieu | smathieu@estp.fr
Laurence Olivo | lolivo@estp.fr
Green box In France: It is your responsibility to find a host company. This may be a branch of a French company or an international company. To assist in your search, please contact the Internship Department within the Corporate Relations Department, which has a list of companies currently or previously hosting ESTP students. These company files are available at the documentation center on the Cachan campus.
For more information based on your program and campus, please contact ⬇
📍 Campus de Cachan
Sandrine Mathieu | 1A, 2A, Conducteurs, BMC2/3, IA/AI | smathieu@estp.fr | 01 49 08 24 71 |
Laurence Olivo | TFE | lolivo@estp.fr | 01 49 08 24 37 |
📍 Campus de Troyes
Claire Langry | 1A, 2A et TFE | clangry@estp.fr | 03 25 78 55 11 |
Sarah Collot | Bachelor Architecture & construction | scollot@estp.fr | 03 25 78 55 05 |
📍 Campus de Dijon
Léa Duchesne | 1A, 2A | lduchesne@estp.fr | 03 73 62 02 59 |
Lucie Sarrazin | TFE | lsarrazin@estp.fr | 03 73 62 02 56 |
📍 Campus d'Orléans
Nathalie Falp | 1A | nfalp@estp.fr | 02 19 00 19 51 |