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 Puce Site Internet - ESTP Paris PUBLISHED IN 2019

Caractérisation des interfaces des couches d'enrobés bitumeux : Première évalutation du prototype

La durabilité d’une structure de chaussées dépend notamment des conditions d’interfaces des couches bitumineuses, généralement collées par l’application d’une émulsion de bitume. Actuellement, aucune méthode ne permet de vérifier objectivement la qualité de ce collage. Cet article présente le travail mené dans le cadre du projet national DVDC afin de proposer et évaluer un dispositif de mesure de collage des couches d’enrobé in situ par un chargement de torsion. Revue Générale des Routes et de l'Aménagement


 Puce Site Internet - ESTP Paris PUBLISHED IN 2018

Chromium stabilization and trapping in the cement matrix of recycled concrete aggregates

Recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) originated from old deconstructed concrete may contain considerable amounts of heavy metals like chromium for example.
Construction and Building Materials 

Empirical and comparative validation of an original model to simulate the thermal behaviour of outdoor test cells

Calorimetric methods for the performance assessment (e.g. for the determination of the solar factor) of transparent building components have been largely applied in indoor laboratories under steady-state conditions and in outdoor test cells under dynamic boundary conditions provided by real weather. In the latter case the accuracy of the measurements depends significantly on the temporary storage of energy in the test cell envelope.
Energy and Buildings

Empirical validation and local sensitivity analysis of a lumped-parameter thermal model of an outdoor test cell

This paper presents the experimental validation of a thermal model describing the ZEB Test Cells Laboratory, located at the Gløshaugen campus of NTNU and SINTEF in Trondheim, Norway.
Building and Environment


Optimal construction site layout based on risk spatial variability

The construction site layout planning is a complex and important task conducted by project managers and planners.
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management

Mapping the Processes of Donor-Funded Construction Projects

Recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) originated from old deconstructed concrete may contain considerable amounts of heavy metals like chromium for example.
Sustainability (2071-1050)

Traveltime delay relative to the maximum energy of the wave train for dispersive tsunamis propagating across the Pacific Ocean: the case of 2010 and 2015 Chilean Tsunamis

This paper evaluates the importance of frequency dispersion in the propagation of recent trans-Pacific tsunamis. Frequency dispersion induces a time delay for the most energetic waves, which increases for long propagation distances and short source dimensions.
Geophysical Journal International

Effectiveness of Lime Treatment of Coarse Soils Against Internal Erosion

The construction of embankments and other earth hydraulic structures using coarse soils requires assessing their potential for internal erosion by suffusion, defined as detachment and transport of fine particles through the matrix constrictions under internal flow.
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering