Double degrees in France and abroad

ESTP | Arts et Métiers (ENSAM)

A historical partner of ESTP, ENSAM offers three programs:

  • The ENSAM Grande École Program
  • Research Masters
  • A full-year academic exchange

ESTP | CentraleSupélec

The partnership offers a degree program, the CentraleSupélec "FreeMove" specialization diploma, corresponding to the 3rd year of the CentraleSupélec engineering curriculum.

ESTP | IFP School

Double degree: ESTP Engineer / IFP School Engineering Diploma: Students complete their second and third years at IFP School. This 2-year program is conducted in a work-study format under an apprenticeship contract


Double degree: ESTP Engineer / EDHEC (Master in Management EDHEC, Grande École Program). Integration into the first year of the EDHEC Master's program during the 3rd year at ESTP. The program lasts two and a half years at EDHEC.


Double degree: ESTP Engineer / ESCP Europe, Master in Management ESCP Europe, Grande École Program: Integration into the first year for two years.

ESTP | Emlyon

Double degree: ESTP Engineer / emlyon, Grande École Program, Business Mediation track. An original program, lasting two years after the second year at ESTP, focused on innovation management.

ESTP | ENS Paris-Saclay

This partnership offers a Research Master's degree in Civil Engineering. Two tracks are available: Envelope and Sustainable Construction (ECD) and Materials and Structures (MAISES).

ESTP | Ecole Supérieure de Design (ESD)


This double degree Bac+5 designer program offers 2 tracks: Design & Strategy and Design & Digital Intelligence. The fifth year of this curriculum is completed in a work-study format.



This partnership offers students the opportunity to validate their engineering degree and the Master of Science in Innovation, Creativity & Entrepreneurship from YSCHOOL & EPF.

ESTP | IAE Paris

The IAE Paris Business Administration Master's program over 2 years: 4 hours of evening classes per week (in parallel with the 3rd year at ESTP), then during the first professional year.

ESTP | SciencesPo

The master's programs offered after two years at ESTP are:

  • Territorial and Urban Strategies (STU)
  • Urban Planning Cycle
  • Governing the Large Metropolis (GLM)
  • Governing Ecological Transitions in European Cities (GETEC)

ESTP | ENPC (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech)

The master's programs offered after the second year at ESTP are:

  • Transport and Mobility (TM)
  • Materials Science for Sustainable Construction (SMCD)
  • Transport and Sustainable Development (TraDD)
  • Energy Transition and Territories (TET)

ESTP | ENSAPLV ou ESA (campus de Cachan)

Engineering & Architecture Curriculum | ESTP Engineer / ENSAPLV or ESA Architect Track | CACHAN CAMPUS

Curriculum: The Engineer and Architect (IA) track has been offering a new vision of the teaching of these disciplines in France since 2006 with ENSAPLV (IA PLV) and since 2015 with ESA (IA ESA). It addresses the competition from major European universities and brings together two complementary and essential fields in the construction sector.

Engineering courses are taught at ESTP on the Cachan campus in dedicated classes, intermittently associated with the Architect and Engineer (AI) track for post-bac students. Architecture courses are provided at each architecture school, based on the candidates' school choices and selection results.

Access the training brochure

Internships: "Worker" internship in the first year and "construction manager" internship in the second year through ESTP, along with a "practical training" internship through the architecture school in the fourth or fifth year.

Degrees: Upon completion of the program, ESTP awards an Engineering degree, and the architecture school awards a state-recognized architecture degree conferring the master's grade.

Partners: National School of Architecture of Paris La Villette (ENSAPLV) and Special School of Architecture (ESA).

Admissions: Engineer and Architect (IA): Admission through competitive examination. Candidates must be enrolled in the first year (building specialty) at ESTP on the Cachan campus and then participate in an internal selection process through an interview with our partners (early September).

Recruits: 37 places with ENSAPLV and approximately 10 with ESA (variable).

Duration of studies: 5 years + 1 optional year (HMONP).

For more information, please contact:

Guillaume Faas | Training Manager

Phone: 01 49 08 56 49

Academic Exchanges

Academic exchanges can take place for a semester or a full year.

  • National Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology (INSTN)
  • Paris City Engineering School (EIVP)
  • Higher School of Wood (ESB)
  • Mines-Telecom School (IMT Nord-Europe)

Further Studies

Double degrees after the 3rd year with ESSEC, HEC, IFP School, Sciences Po, and all Specialized Master's® programs at ESTP.

For more information, please contact:

Marion Retailleau

double diplômes

View all the international double degree options




International Double Degree Programs

Academic mobility in the 3rd year abroad offers numerous opportunities to obtain a double degree: in Australia, Great Britain, and the USA, as well as with the Polytechnic University of Tirana, the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo, the Polytechnic School of Montreal, the École de Technologie Supérieure in Montreal, Tongji University in Shanghai, the Polytechnic Universities of Valencia and Catalonia, Politecnico di Milano, and the Hassania School of Public Works in Casablanca.

See all international double degree opportunities

For more information, please contact Cédric Graser | International Relations and UFA Program Manager