The laboratories
The Research Institute operates dedicated research facilities on ESTP’s campuses in Cachan, Dijon, Troyes, and Orléans. Around ten laboratories are shared between research activities and teaching, allowing students at ESTP to engage with and integrate into research initiatives.
These spaces are equipped with experimental resources for implementation, testing, measurement, and characterization, used in practical sessions by ESTP students.
Additionally, the Research Institute has invested in advanced scientific research tools applicable across all fields of study.
Among the most innovative and beneficial for the construction field are: an EFA erodimeter for erosion characterization, an X-ray Diffraction (XRD) analyzer, an Infrared spectrometer, a Thermo-Gravimetric Analyzer coupled with a Differential Scanning Calorimeter (TGA/DSC), laser particle size measurement tools, a weather station, a cloud, and computing stations. Experimental approaches, both in the lab and on-site, are enhanced by numerical simulations.
🟥 Cachan | 🟦 Troyes | 🟩 Dijon | 🟪 Orléans
All of our campuses are equipped with technological teaching and research platforms.
The different ESTP laboratories
📎 Anne DONY | enseignante-chercheuse, Responsable de la Chaire Infrastructures routières et aménagements urbains durables (IRAUD) et Responsable du laboratoire matériaux de chaussées: adony@estp.fr
The Pavement Materials Laboratory is a space dedicated to teaching, innovation, and research within the "Innovative Materials for Constructability" scientific focus area of the Research Institute. Its mission is to address both industrial concerns of the French and international road construction sectors and scientific issues, with a strong emphasis on sustainable development.
Its activities align with the Research Institute’s "Constructability" approach by optimizing workability, final performance, and durability of both recycled and non-recycled bituminous materials, whether hot-mixed, warm-mixed, or bitumen-emulsified. The lab’s work is led by a team of two permanent faculty researchers, who supervise doctoral candidates (internal to the Research Institute, CIFRE, joint supervision, and partnerships with foreign universities) and research master’s interns each year.
Additionally, the team is involved in two national projects administered by IREX that align with their Research Institute themes (PN MURE, PN DVDC as a partner of ANR MOVE DVDC).
📎 Johan COLIN | enseignant-chercheur, responsable du laboratoire ingénierie des bétons : jcolin@estp.fr
📎 Céline FLORENCE | enseignante-chercheuse, responsable de la Chaire Ingénierie des bétons : cflorence@estp.fr
📎 Abdelkrim BENNABI I enseignant-chercheur, responsable du laboratoire de géotechnique : abennabi@estp.fr
📎 Claire DAMBLANS I Ingénieur de recherche : cdamblans@estp.fr
The Geotechnics laboratory is dedicated to teaching activities, in the form of practical work (TP), and to research activities. Practical laboratory work is designed to enable engineering students to carry out advanced soil mechanics tests.
📎 Adrien POUPARDIN I enseignant-chercheur, responsable du laboratoire d’hydraulique : apoupardin@estp.fr
The research activities of the ESTP Hydraulics Laboratory are part of the ‘Geomaterials’ and ‘Digital Engineering’ research programmes, and in particular the themes of ‘Internal erosion and scouring of hydraulic structures’ and ‘Spatial resilience and constructability’.
📎 Arnaud LAPERTOT I enseignant-chercheur : alapertot@estp.fr
The Energy Efficiency Laboratory is a teaching, innovation and research facility within the ‘Building Performance’ scientific programme at the Research Institute. Its aim is to develop the skills needed to design and build positive-energy, low-carbon buildings that are also healthy and comfortable for occupants.
📎 Hichem BENZAAMA I enseignant-chercheur, responsable de l'équipe recherche électrique et énergétique : hbenzaama@estp.fr
Bilal AMGHAR Ing. Master, PhD in Automation, Electronics and Electrical Engineering ENSEA University of Cergy in 2013. He is currently a teacher-researcher and head of the electricity laboratory at ESTP. His main research interests lie in the fields of smart cities, with the main applications focused on the smart electricity grid. Recently, he has also been interested in optimal control using artificial intelligence applied to smart grids.
📎 Le laboratoire
ESTP's electricity laboratory is dedicated to teaching, innovation and research in the field of electricity within the IRC (Institut de recherche en constructibilité). Comprising several experimental areas and around a hundred instruments, it guarantees an optimum choice of electrical systems for teaching assignments and construction projects. It provides students and teachers with theoretical support and practical equipment for studying various physical phenomena in three disciplines: electronics, automation and electrical engineering.
▶ Position paper : Les Smart Grids, clés de la transition énergétique et outils indispensables de la ville de demain ✅
▶ Nos offres : Transition énergétique et réseaux intelligents ✅
📎 Yassine HASSANI I enseignant-chercheur, responsable du laboratoire de topographie : yhassani@estp.fr
The topography laboratory develops teaching activities focused on geographic information, its acquisition and positioning with precision and its representation with reliability. It is equipped with the instruments (total stations, GNSS receivers, laser scanners, drones, nadir telescopes, etc.) and software solutions that are common in the professional world, particularly in France: CAD, BIM, 3D modelling, GIS, lasergrammetry, photogrammetry, topographic and geodetic calculations.
Each year, the topography laboratory welcomes more than 800 students. Teaching takes the form of practical work and projects on topical subjects related to spatial information. Particular attention is paid to sustainable development and innovation in both methods and resources.
The courses are taught by ESTP's permanent teacher-researchers, but also in partnership with professionals working in surveying firms, large construction and public works companies, design offices, software developers, equipment manufacturers, etc.
The laboratory participates in certain research activities carried out by the ESTP research institute and also cooperates with the continuing education department. Partnerships have also been established with universities and private and public institutions.
📎 Rita SASSINE I enseignante-chercheuse, responsable du BIM : rsassine@estp.fr
The BIM platform is a computer room with 40 workstations, entirely dedicated to BIM (Building Information Modeling). It is the only facility of its kind in France, with around thirty software packages that are essential for designing and manipulating digital mock-ups. The workstations are networked so that students can work together on the same project, exchanging information in real time.
At Troyes, research aims to encourage the emergence of partnerships with regional academic laboratories on topics such as intelligent worksites, eco-construction, energy efficiency and conservation of the built heritage.
🔹 A materials and concrete laboratory (271 m²)
🔹 Geotechnical laboratory (140 m²)
A shared digital prototyping laboratory (203 m²)
🔹 A topography laboratory (94 m²)
🔹 An RDM and hydraulics laboratory (60 m²)
🚩 Laboratory managers
> Bénitha Vasseur, docteure en génie civil, enseignante-chercheuse, responsable du laboratoire RDM
> Sandra Sombardier, responsable bâtiments & laboratoires. Matériaux et bétons, géotechnique, topographie, hydraulique
> Lotfi Hedjazi, enseignant-chercheur, Fab Lab
✅ Matériaux de construction (250 m²)
✅ Electricité (175 m²)
✅ Topographie (100 m²)
✅ Résistance des matériaux / hydraulique (100 m²)
✅ Mécanique des sols (géotechnique) (100 m²)
✅ BIM (110 m²)
✅ Recherche (160 m²)
🚩 Responsable des laboratoires
> Ludovic Avril, responsable des laboratoires et référant technique du bâtiment ESTP, campus de Dijon.
🔸 RDM/Mécanique (110 m²)
🔸 Jumeaux numériques (110 m²)
🔸 Géotechnique (110 m²)
🔸 Matériaux (220 m²)
🔸 Électricité (100 m²)